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Home News #ILoveMyCreditUnion Social Media Campaign Set for July 28

#ILoveMyCreditUnion Social Media Campaign Set for July 28

Authored By: Lewis Wood on 5/12/2023

iLoveMyCreditUnion Campaign returns July 28

It's back! The third annual credit union social media blitz, the #ILoveMyCreditUnion initiative, is set to take place on July 28. We hope your credit union will participate!

Created by the Illinois Credit Union League in 2021, the idea is to have credit unions, leagues, associations, and industry partners join together to “proclaim their love for credit unions” and the Credit Union Difference on a single day.

‘Overwhelmed by Results’

“I was overwhelmed with the results of our initiative,” says Illinois Credit Union League CEO Tom Kane. “That success means we can spend less time explaining the social media blitz this year and more time encouraging organizations and individuals to join us in proclaiming why #ILoveMyCreditUnion on July 28, 2023. Based on the creativity and engagement I saw posted last July, I can’t wait to see the worldwide response this year.”

Campaign materials and other resources are available online to help credit unions inspire widespread, high-energy conversation among staff, members, and communities about why they love credit unions. You can also create your own materials for members, employees, volunteers, friends, and family to post using the common hashtag: #ilovemycreditunion.

Sign Up!

Members of the credit union community are being urged to sign up -- in order to help track how many are participating.

  • Sign up here.
  • In addition, the resource hub offers additional materials that can be personalized. 

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